Friday, January 28, 2011

Egypt's Internet Goes Dark During Political Unrest(CNET)—Mubarak uses his “Mummy” app.

News from the UK: “Mr Alker says that one council recently announced it was going to warm its swimmimg pool using wasted heat—from the local crematorium. (BBC World Service)—Just keep out of the deep end.

Line of the Day (from BBC World Service story): Guy in Yemen or Tunisia or Cairo says: “We are guilty until we are executed and after we’re executed, we’re given a fair trial.”

1 comment:

Alexander said...

Since it's impossible for the bloggiste to enter his own blog thanks to Google's latest ease of use features, allow me--Alexander Besher aka "Alex de Talkville--to lay this blog, "America the Unamerican," to rest in the form of the following comment. Basically, it ran for eight years as a chronicle, an "op-ed strip," if you will (i.e. I'd take a daily headline from the world press and add a wry comment, essentially turning an op-ed piece into a comic strip) that focussed on the eight-year long criminal nightmare of the Bush Jr. junta. That was my own form of protest to the hijacking of so-called "American democracy" by unabashed war criminals and outright corporate thieves. My blog was an homage, if you will, to Alexis de Tocqueville, 1805-1859 (if you didn't get the allusion). He was the on-the-ground French observer of the American Way, as he described it in his classic work, "Democracy in America." Bush has come and gone. Neither he nor his criminal cronies have ever been brought to justice for their various genocides in foreign nations, illegal kidnapping of American citizens off American streets etc. etc. Since he left, nothing much has changed. If anything, under the leadership of O'Bama (or "O'Bummer," as ADT would refer to him these days), things have gotten much worse. Yes, I voted for him, but never again. I also voted for Clinton once, but not the second time. ADT loved to make prophecies, usually and unfortunately ones that panned out. So I'll predict we'll have another four years of O'Bummer come the 2012 election. The Mormon will mourn his defeat. There's no point in continuing ADT's blog. The truth can never compare with "American Idol." I'll close by quoting from the Introduction to my early nineties tome, "The Pacific Rim Almanac" (HarperReference) in which I made the following observation. The book was published in 1991, but the ms. was completed in 1990. that's about 21 years ago: "Essentially, thanks largely to the enduring economic and technological changes brought about by the Pacific Rim, the world is now entering into a new era in which all ideologies are disappearing--including socialism and raw capitalism. It is too simplistic to describe what is happening in the world as the triumph of the Western capitalist system over Communism. In fact, the drastic changes in Eastern Europe more than likely presage the sweeping changes that will inevitably be felt in the West as well." Put it another, hopefully more simple and to the point way: Communism fell and it sure looks like capitalism is next to go. ‘Bye, ‘bye, you won’t be missed except for the power elite in the financial sector, the so-called “One Percenters.” I stand by that conclusion, and now, alas, it's time for me to run. Alex de Talkville bids you a fond adieu--and good luck!

R.I..P. (in Pissed-Offness), "America the UnAmerican: An O-Ed Strip," 2001-2009. To be an American today is to be an exile in your homes. That's how far we've come, alas.